We will be playing 'Tag' but with a few awesome twists. It's not a "one touch and you're out" version. We will be using flag football belts, water balloons, nerf weapons, and human tracker jackers. Also other weapons and helpful items will be hidden around the park, not just at the cornucopia. Such as these:
Of course anyone with these will have an advantage but there will be limited supplies for each one. Such as only one balloon, one arrow, one pump in the super soaker, ect. You may have to risk a trip to the "Lake" (water balloon station) or the "Pond" (water balloon pump) to get more ammo. But whoever kills a person with a weapon can take it for themselves.
~ If you lose all your flags you're dead.
~ Flags will be lost from being hit by water balloons, nerf arrows/projectiles, or just getting it yanked off.
~ Only the weapons available are sanctioned weapons. If you slingshot a rock you're out of the game
~ If you make a kill you can take that person's weapons or balloons. You can only carry so much though so you may have to give up something you have.
~ If you get tagged by a Tracker Jacker you must lay down for five seconds but are still allowed to shoot from your position
~ There may be extra flags, balloons, ect. at the cornucopia. If you can get there. Tracker Jackers like that spot.
~Alliances are allowed but don't get too trusting. It might just get you killed.
~ If there's only two or three players left and things are just taking too long then the Hounds (dead tributes) will be released and they will herd you all together to finish it off. The GameMaker will decide when they should be released and called back.
Other than that, this is just a big brawl and you either have to run fast, hide, get sneaky, or be creative. Stay Alive. And may the odds be ever in your favor!
Other activities:
If you die early in the Tag game then I want to have two other activities. I really want to get at least one person who knows archery to teach people how to shoot like Katniss!!! If not real archery lessons we'll make popcicle stick bows and have a contest that way. The other activity would be some kind of "Reaping" game. Maybe like a lottery. If people are interested enough I will set those things up. I hope they are!
The Movie!!:
So I'm really hoping to get an awesome home theater to watch this in. I've inquired about one but am still waiting on the answer. We will enjoy some Hunger Games inspired treats and decor, and then watch the movie!!!!
I really really really want to do this so I hope others jump on the bandwagon with me!! When it comes to parties I go all out! So I promise it will be fun! And if you have any ideas on how to better my Hunger Games Tag, feel free to tell me!
Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!